
BlueInfinitas liquidation raises important questions

Neil Liversidge

Neil Liversidge

I am writing in response to the news that the FSCS has paid out £1m in relation to the liquidation of Blueinfinitas in Weston-super-Mare

The questions to be answered are:

1. How can such a short-lived firm (less than two years from authorisation to liquidation) make such consistently bad recommendations?

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2. Why did AIM-listed companies feature so prominently in the Sipp investments BlueInfinitas made for its clients?

3. Who was on the other side of the trade? That is, who was selling the shares that Blueinfinitas clients bought?

4. Is there any chance that (In)Action Fraud and the cops might take time off from drinking tea/ reading the Sun/filling out their lotto numbers and actually investigate this company and those behind it properly?

Neil Liversidge

Managing director

West Riding Personal Financial Solutions


West Yorkshire