
Tap into big business by protecting small businesses

 We’ve developed a full range of jargon-free literature for you and your clients. Our sales aids will help you get familiar with Business Protection from LV=.

And you can use our client guides to support and justify your recommendation.

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 We know even the most experienced adviser has questions from time to time, so at LV= we have invested in comprehensive Business Protection training for all our service teams. We can give you guidance on how to write the cover and which trust forms to use.

Our flexible approach to underwriting and generous financial limits can help you write the cover faster, even with larger cases.

Extra protection that makes a real difference to running a business

Running a business is difficult enough, without having to worry about legal issues. SME’s rank their top two regulatory challenges as employment regulations (37 per cent) and health and safety (28 per cent).

And in the absence of in-house experts, seeking legal advice can be expensive.

So at LV=, we’ve partnered with a firm of business solicitors to offer business clients access to a free legal advice line called LV= Business Care.

This 24/7 service is available to all business owners who take out LV= Business Protection and offers advice on a number of commercial issues, including: employment law, health and safety issues, commercial risks and advice on contracts.

68% of SME’s we surveyed said they pay for similar services, and those businesses that have used them find them valuable, but with LV=, your clients can benefit from this vital support at no extra cost to the businesses.

To find out more about LV= and how we can help you maximise the Business Protection opportunity, visit

Marcus Primhak is Business Protection Manager at LV=