
Not all of us are too big to care

Neil Liversidge

Neil Liversidge

Our client Mrs W died recently in tragic circumstances.

This caused a chargeable event on her Standard Life bond. Standard Life administered the claim efficiently save that they addressed the chargeable event certificate to the late Mrs W.

Not wanting to appear insensitive by forwarding mail addressed to a dead person, we asked Standard Life to readdress it to her executors. They refused.

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That is the way they do it, they said, and they are too massive and infallible to even contemplate that there might be a better way. So we have sent it with a covering letter apologising for their ineptitude and insensitivity.

Because we are neither massive nor infallible, just small enough to care.

Neil F Liversidge

Managing director, West Riding Personal Financial Solutions, Castleford, West Yorkshire