
Top 10 turnaround managers of the year so far

This article is part of
Autumn Investments Monitor - September

8. Old Mutual Managed

Manager(s): Stewart Cowley

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Sector: IMA Mixed Investment 40-85% Shares

Assets under management: £104.3m

12-month performance: 21.68%

Old Mutual Global Investors says: “There has been no change to this fund. It is a fund-of-funds for OMGI funds which is managed by Stewart Cowley. OMGI Funds continue to deliver strong investment performance returns.”

9. Scottish Widows Ethical

Manager(s): Johnny Russell

Sector: IMA Unclassified

Assets under management: £88.2m

12-month performance: 20.98%

Swip says: “The fund was restructured to include a greater proportion of ideas created by our 14-strong small-cap and global equities team, which has ultimately led to the improved performance of the fund. This review has been done while ensuring commitment to the fund’s pre-determined ethical and sustainable criteria.”

10. Gam Star Asia Pacific Equity

Manager(s): Michael Lai and Ben Williams

Sector: IMA Asia including Japan

Assets under management: $47.2m (£30.4m)

12-month performance: 18.39%

Gam says: “The fund has been much more optimistic about the outlook for Japan in comparison to many competitors who remained sceptical. The yen currency hedge position was a detractor in the past and the negatives of this position have dropped out. Both a minimal exposure to emerging Asia and bottom-up stock selection have helped the fund perform versus the peer group.”